Polylack W

Anti-fire fireproof coat


It is designated to improve the anti-fire resistance of steel bearing structure in common interiors and exteriors. One-component, water based coating foams by the impact of heat. It makes the isolating layer on the surface of treated steel construction, which prevents from overheating of the construction on the critical temperature and required time. It contains the huge amount of non-volatile substances. Because of the water base there are not any dangerous fumes. It is a big advantage, when it is applied in closed area; moreover it allows the application in explosive area. According to the fact that it is not dangerous material, its transport and storage is preferable to solvent coatings.

Anti-fire fireproof coat Polylack W can be stored and applied only in an appropriate temperature of primer and air (from 5 to 35°C)

Thinner: Not necessary, in the case of need it can be thinned with water in the rate of max 3%
Drying in 23°C and the thickness 300 microns: dust-resistant after 1 hour, touch- resistant after 24 hours, repaint after 8hours, repaint by topcoat after 24 hours

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20 kg plastic bucket

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