LAK S 1012
synthetic for exterior — glossy
is used as a transparent coating for wood in interior and exterior. It is characterized by excellent resistance to adverse weather conditions and UV radiation. The lacquer is used for coating pediments, garden furniture, fences, etc.
Thinner: SYNRED S 6006, Synred S 6001 (for spraying)
Informative coverage rate: 12 – 15 m²/l
Drying: touch dry: 3h, repaint: 24 h

- protects against UV radiation, contains UV filter – absorber
- high resistance to weather conditions
- the wood surface is smooth, coherent with glossy appearance
- creates a thick protective film on the wood surface
- the coating is flexible, resistant to volumetric changes of the wood
- odorless product
0,75 l
2,5 l
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