heat resistant silicone paint (up to 500 °C) —silver - semi-glossy, black - semi-matt


is used as a surface finishing of metal, steel or cast-iron objects (as fireplaces, stoves, furnaces, pipes, exhaust pipes etc.) in permanent exposure of temperatures up to 500°C. The paint has very good anticorrosive properties and can be applied without using a primer, it means as a primer and a topcoat 2 in 1. The product can also be used for aluminium surfaces. Regarding the usage for galvanized steel surfaces, the paint can be exposed to the temperature up to 300°C. Prior to 500°C loading 1-hour hardening at 200°C is required.

Thinner: SYNRED S 6003
Informative coverage rate: 10 – 12 m²/l, 8 – 10 m2/kg
Drying: touch dry: max 5 h


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icon interior
icon exterior
icon metal
icon brush
icon spray-painting
  • permanently resistant to temperatures up to 500 ° C
  • good anti-corosion properties
  • applicable without primer
  • suitable for galvanized or aluminum surfaces

0,3 l
0,75 l
4 l

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