Anti-corrosion basic disperse paint


2 in 1 topcoat and primer in one

The basic anti-corrosion and also final top coat in corrosive environments C2-C3. It could be also used on zic oxide and aluminum substrates. Coating materials can be used in interior and exterior and they are considered as green products- they do not contain any heavy metals and aromatic solvents. They are applied in 1 or 2 layers with brush, paintroller or by spraying and molding. Don´t use for material which can come in direct contact with food, feed, drinking water and for painting childrens furniture and toys.

Thinner: water
Informative coverage rate: 8-10 m²/l
Drying: touch dry 2 h, repaint 6 h


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icon interior
icon exterior
icon metal
icon brush
icon spray-painting
  • creates matt efect
  • resistant to adverse weather conditions
  • ecological product

0,8 kg
6 kg
12 kg

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